UK Parliament - POST's Parliamentary Academic Fellowship Scheme - Directed Call

The Parliamentary Academic Fellowship Scheme is open to university-based researchers and staff working in knowledge exchange. The scheme gives people in those roles the opportunity to participate in a fellowship project with an office in Parliament.

Hosted by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, the 'Parliamentary Academic Fellow: global landscape analysis of organisations around the world providing science advice to parliaments' seeks to conduct a study of different organisations and mechanisms around the world that provide science advice to parliaments. The aim of the project is to learn about how others provide science advice to parliaments globally, and how other parliaments engage with scientific information. Through this project, POST would also like to strengthen its connections with those organisations, to be able to conduct two-way knowledge exchange.

More information can be found here. The deadline for applications is Sunday May 9th 2021.

Note: funding for this fellowship may be available through either the University's EPSRC or ESRC Impact Accelerator Awards (IAA). See for more information.

If you're in the area of Social Sciences, you can contact Chris Hewson (Faculty Research Impact Manager - Social Sciences) and the ESRC IAA team for more information (

We value your views and welcome feedback and suggestions - please email us at